Thursday, September 10, 2009

Grandma and Grandpa come to visit

I was able to talk my parents into coming for a visit to over Labor day. The timing was right and they were excited to see where we lived, so here they one they were one their own and took the kids to the Children's museum. The next day we all went to the zoo. We loved it so much that we went back 2 days later. The zoo here is so big that we could go for 2 more days and still not see any of the same exhibits.

The second time we went we got to go inside the jungle.
Here Tori, my mom and I are crossing the rickety bridge
Abby, prior to her visit to the car for the remainder of the trip...
The beautiful view from inside the jungle.
Tori enjoying all the attention as she eats her cookie next to the octopus.
And outside the butterfly exhibit...
Do they look alike??
Watching the tigers,with Grandma...her favorite thing at the zoo by far!
Enjoying the view from atop Grandpa.
Overall a good day, Tori enjoyed the zoo and Abby enjoyed the car...well at least a good day for Tori, I just felt bad Chris had to go with Abby.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Spirt Week

The girls had spirit week at school this week, this had to by favorite day, it was crazy hair day. So I let them dress themselves(not to abnormal) and then did their hair.
How could you not love 3 weirdly placed ponies?

Friday, September 4, 2009

What in the world is that??

When Abby woke up on Monday she had all these awful spots/rash on her body.

We didn't know what it was, so after a couple days we took her to the Doctor who said it was hives, a reaction to something she ate.

A couple days later she has another reaction...the culprit...peanuts. So she is off peanuts or peanut products for the duration...lucky us!