Monday, August 27, 2007

Conversations of a 2 1/2 year old

When we got home today Abby wanted Dad to come get her out of the car. When I came back and told her that Dad couldn't becuase he was sick and had thrown up and was laying in her room this was the conersation that ensued:
Abby: Why are you in my bed?
Dad: Because it is dark in here.
Abby: No it isn't.
Dad: Yes it is
Abby: No it isn't
Dad: Well it is darker and cooler than Mom and Dad's room.
Abby: Oh, okay, get out of my bed so you don't throw up in it.
Dad: I won't, I promise, I will get up if I have to throw up.
Abby: Okay, do you want me to read you a story? Okay.
Abby proceeds to get the 2 of the "No David" books and reads those to day as she adds her own commentary into it.
Abby: "Do I have to...Noooooo"
Abby: David I said NO"

1 comment:

Wendie said...

Kids are gems. I can just imagine Abby doing that too! I hope Chris is feeling better!!