Friday, August 24, 2007


I've been tagged for this by my friend Melissa. I am doing the shortened version
Jobs I've held:
1. Babysitter
2. Fast food worker
3. Secretary
4. Retirement Plans administer/Manager
5. The best one – wife and mom
Guilty Pleasures:
1. Sleeping in late
2. Walks with or without the kids
3. Window shopping
4. Anything with sugar, but especially cake
5. Making cards
Places I've Lived:
1. Littleton, CO
2. Rexburg, ID
3. Aurora, CO
Places I've been on vacation:
1. Peru
2. Mexico
3. California
4. Canada
5. Arizona
6. Rhode Island
7. Colorado
Favorite foods:
1. Italian food
2. Watermelon but only seedless
3. Anything sweet
If in a "jam" with your spouse, what tactics do you use to get out of the "doghouse"?
1. Saying I’m sorry – and meaning it
2. Sucking up
Websites I visit daily:
1. Yahoo mail
2. Friends’ Blogs
3. Library weebsite
Who sent this to me? Melissa
Now I get to pick three other blog buddies to "survey":
1. Theresa
2. Jenny
3. Heidi

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