Sunday, September 16, 2007

The great divide

It was stake conference today and rummors have been floating for a while that changes were in the works. So it was no surprise today that after the sustanings were completed, some releses and callings were announced that there was a request for the high council members to distribute the maps with the new boundaries. Needless to say that we are no longer part of the Park View ward and now are part of the Smoky Hill Ward. This of course is bitter sweet for our family. Overall the change effected people in all 7 wards. I am sure some were happy, some were sad and some were glad it was just done with. So what does this mean for the Marshalls...
The Pros:
-We only have to be at the 11AM meeting time for a couple of months
-We now are the middle of a ward versus being an island unto ourselfs on the boundary line
-We now get new callings (hopefully good)
-We still have a lot of people we know in our new ward
-New people to meet

The Cons:
-We have to meet at 11AM, instead of the nice 9AM time
-There will be a new nursery for Abby to attend, we will see how that goes
-We lose a lot of friends that are still the the Park View ward
-We are both released from our great callings, Chris as the 11 year old scout leader and 11 year old primary teacher and me as the Primary secratary

I have been in the word since I moved here, so over ten years. This is the end of an era for me. Well I am sure there are more changes in the works as soon as the new stake center is built, and who knows what that will mean?

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I heard about the changes - hope the transition is smooth!