Saturday, October 13, 2007

Casa Bonita

The day finally came that I have been waiting for, for years!! I was able to take the girls to Casa Bonita. As many of you know I have a strange love with the place. Yes the food is bad and it isn't in a great location, but I loved it as a kid and love it still as an adult. I took Chris there shortly after we were married thinking he would have the same great love, but his comment was "so when are we going home?". Well the girls loved it Tori made a big old mess and with rice, chicken and the like. She especially loved the feel of the walls (the pretend rock stuff).

Abby also loved it. I admit I feel victim to the outrageously expensive light up toy (the stuff I never buy), shown here before braking the next morning, probably from the repeated banging on the wall, chair, herself, etc. Abby thought that the monkey was really cool especially in his green shorts. I was a bit disappointed that we couldn't go into the main area because it was all decorated for Halloween, and a bit to scary for the girls. But Abby made my night when she said "Can we come here again Mom?" My response was of course we can, and next time we can even see more things!


Melissa said...

That is so funny that they loved Casa Bonita! It is definitely an interesting place.

Amy said...

We like Casa Bonita too! Their game room is popular with Addy.