Saturday, October 27, 2007

Trick or Treat for Health

As is our tradition we visited the trick or treat for health at the medical plaza this year. As many of you know last year after this grand event I went into labor and had Tori, so I was nice to not have that experience this year. It is a fun event that has everything from cookie decorating to the doctors offices that hand out candy, pencils, or Abby favorite toothbrushes, and of course the local sponsors which hand out freebies to their restaurants. This year there were also some new additions including the fun bus, horsey rides for the kids to name a few. Every year it gets bigger and bigger so we figured out to go early which seemed to work best and still gave us plenty of time to go explore with the kids.

Abby wasn't feeling too good, but we couldn't talk her out of going especially since she got to wear you new green power rangers outfit. Since she wasn't feeling great, we had to cancel our plans go take the girls to my parents for the night, so we would go out for dinner and a late movie to celebrate our anniversary. I can't believe it has already been 5 years.

Oh well happy anniversary to us anyway, one of the small joys of having little ones.

Here are some pictures from the day.
Abby in her hip costume, shooting the bad guys!
Waiting for the nice mad behind her to blow up a balloon for her!
Tori sporting her ferocious tigger the tiger costume.
Abby and Dad just hanging out.

Abby enjoying some of that great candy, and she will be using the toothbrush right after that!

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