Saturday, April 26, 2008

Day Two

Today was a really fun day. We played around the house, took walks down to the lake, did a time share presentation (more on that later) and after lunch we went to the "wild animal park", I say that loosely as there were a total of 20 animals and the loop would take you all of 10 minutes to walk.

Here is Abby in front of one of the Mountain Lyons. Tori and Abby both loved the big stuffed bear at the entrance. Check out the cute glasses on Tori!!
Abby gave him a hug each time she walked by him.
It was actually a lot of fun. It was feeding time when we got there, but oops we went the wrong way on the loop so we met up with the group about halfway through and followed them the rest of the tour. It was interesting to listen to the lady talk about the different animals, what they feed them and some history. The Emu Sydney was let go by a rancher and no one knew what to do with her, so they called these folks to come get her, and she has been here ever since.
This was the younger Mountain Lyon, his Dad was also there, but not social at all. His mother had died earlier this year and was stuffed inside the gift shop. They had these strollers that you could take on the loop, so we but Tori in one and then Abby traded and rode for a while. They were in pretty rough shape but they worked so it was nice not to carry kids the whole time.
Abby wanted me to take a picture of her "silly face".

Abby was most interested in the wolfs and kept asking to see them the whole time. So we got to look at them for a long time. After we looked at them we stopped by and looked at the bunny on the way out. We went back to the resort and went swimming. Abby did really good, she has historically been scared of the water, but today she played without too much fear. The kids part was small, so she did swim around with the adults in the big pool. We finally got out and went out to dinner with our certificate we got from sitting though what they referred to as "an update about our time share" but was really a "lets get you to trade your time share for our time share and pay us a couple of thousand dollars".

We have been though so many of these now we can predict what is going to happen next. First they talk to you the nice person that asks you about how you are doing, pleasantries, then they take you on a tour to see one of their timeshare places. Then they come bring you back and the next person comes in to see if they can help you get rid of your old timeshare that isn't doing you any good (not that they really asked that but that is the assumption), then when you say no again, they bring in the second closer. Again you have to go through the no process.
The whole thing usually takes a couple of hours and at the end of it they give you something for your time, a gift certificate, or some other monitory compensation, usually between $50 and $100 dollars. We have only had one really bad experience, but this is not the place to recant that, so after saying no about 50 times and 2 hours (versus the 45 minutes they told us up front) we headed back to our town home with our gifts.
Dinner was good, and after that we headed back home and got kids ready for bed and ended another fun day.

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