Thursday, May 8, 2008

Tori's 18 month check up

Today Tori had her 18 month check up and passed the test that they give them. I think I posted this at her 12 month, and it is interesting to see how much she changes from month to month. She loves to eat and gets really, really mad if you take her food away. Her favorite food is spaghetti with sauce on it. She like the sauce so much she will eat it plain, cold if she can get her hands on it. She can say several words including Mommy, Dada, Abby, juice, shoe, pup, owe, poop and I am sure there are others I am forgetting.

She has recently found a love for shoes and wants to wear them all the time. She will bring them to us and hold them out saying shoe, shoe until you put them on her. She had even taken them to bed with her. She will put on my shoes or Chris' or Abby's and clunk around in them if she find them.

She is a great sleeper, she goes to bed about 7:00PM each night 7:30 at the latest and sleeps until 6AM or sometimes a little later. We have moved Chris out of his office, poor guy and moved her crib and dresser in there. She was in the play pin until last week when we finally put her in a crib. We usually get her ready for bed, brush teeth, read a story, sing a song say a prayer and lay her down, turn off the light and close the door and don't hear from her again until morning.

She is very different from Abby and for that we love her, variety is the spice of life, right?? So here are her stats for today.
Weight 23.6 pounds (40% title)
Heights 32 inches (60% tile)
Head 46 1/2 (50% tile)

Just for fun we measured Abby to
Weight 28.6
Height 38 inches

Tori isn't that far behind her, and I am sure will pass her up soon


Darci said...

Oh I am waiting for the Day that C passes M in height. C is already in size 11 shoes. She is freaking 5 in June it is insane. She is also wearing the clothes that M wore last year.

ganelle said...

Trevor was 26 pounds on his FIRST birthday!

Allie said...

Jace is the same way Abby is. I think that he is only about 6 pounds lighter than Shane and Shane is 2 years older. It must be the number 2 bruiser syndrome where they have to get bigger than the older sibling in order to survive/payback all the "tough love".:)