Thursday, July 3, 2008

Not a good mother day

I took today off as our day care was out of town for the week. They spent the last couple of days with Grandma and Grandpa and Aunt Theresa which the loved!!
They were super tied when they came home last night and so today was not a good day for any of us. I thought it would be fun to take both girls to the free movie at the theater with great expectations. That both would sit through the movie and enjoy it. Well that sure isn't what happened at all!!
We made it there, the girls seemed ready to go and we got a good seat. Tori however had other plans. She made it through only 15 minutes before decided to start screaming. I took her out and told Abby to stay and that I would be right back, which of course she ignored and followed me out. I thought I had Tori calmed down and went back in at which time she started to scream again. I grabbed by bag and left at that point, it was useless to stand there and hope it got better.
Abby was so upset when we left and had this so sad look on her face. She said why are we leaving Mom and it broke my heart? So I told her we would stop and get the movie on the way home and that I would take her to a movie all by herself. After which we headed right home and I put Tori down for a nap that she desperately needed.
Abby and I watched the movie until she decided that it would be a good idea to go wake Tori up, to which I didn't react well. So by this time I had Abby in time out in her room, trying to put Tori back down and it wasn't even noon yet.
I gave up at that point and went to down and made us all lunch. Then off to the dentist to which Abby did great!! She got her teeth cleaned and even got a new toothbrush and a toy from the toy box.
The afternoon didn't get much better and I was ever so glad to see Dad come home.
Abby fell asleep before 6PM and never got back up and Tori follwed at 7:30PM. I am glad that we don't have many days like this, because I really do like spending time with the girls and hate when we fight a lot!

1 comment:

kim said...

hey brittany. do not get discouraged. i have days like that as well. seems like it happens every once in awhile. so you are not alone.