Friday, March 27, 2009

Blizzard of 2009

Since the weather so was bad yesterday the girls and I stayed home today and PLAYED in the snow!
Abby helped me shovel and then they both made snow angles while Cassie bounded around in the snow.
Tori was not so found of the snow, she kept taking gloves off and then couldn't understand why her hands were cold. She finally had enough so we sent her inside and she watched us from the front door finish the shoveling.
It was perfect snow for a snowman, so Abby and I built one, her first one ever!
She had me put a face on him and wanted lots of pictures.Abby is definitely much more of a snow bunny than her sister. She would have stayed out longer if I was up for it!


The Calverts said...

What a fun snow day. Love the snowman, too!

YouHaveHowMany? said...

Love the faces on Abby! Work it girl! I have actually missed the snow this winter. I am glad Spring came through! :)