Monday, March 16, 2009

ER stands for...

We made our first trip to the ER last night for Tori. I arrived to pick them up from Day care and had split her head open. She banged her head on the corner of the wall because she didn't get a baby doll to play with.
She was a real trooper at Children's, she didn't cry at all. The doctor had to put 6 stitches in her head and she just laid there.
Here is the beautiful wound that she will get to look at for the rest of her life...lucky kid!
Here she is with the dog, happy as can be.
When she was done, they brought in a big Easter basket for her for being so brave. Abby crossed her arms and was upset they didn't bring her one too...once I asked Tori if she would share and said we could stop at Old McDonald's on the way home, everything was much better!
A nice close up...
I think she was probably surprised that this happened to her. On the other hand I think it was a good lesson, with not too much pain, that we really do know something as adults and that we really do want to keep her safe.


Melissa said...

Oh no! That is quite the gash. Poor thing! Hope you had a good experience at Children's :)

Hope it heals as well as possible.

The Calverts said...

Glad she is okay! What a trooper. I feel like knocking my head against the wall sometimes too...especially when I don't get what I want!

coloradoeaston said...

Ouch! That's a doozy. Poor girl! Mederma works great to reduce the appearance of scars.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! I hope she is alright! Tyler did the same thing on our wedding night, he has a nice little scare in the middle of his forehead because he ran into a wall. That is crazy!! Glad she is ok.

ganelle said...

Yikes! Well, I don't think you need to worry about THAT kind of tantrum again!