Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!!

The girls could hardly wait to get up and get out to see what the Easter Bunny had brought them. At our house the we stuff all the eggs with candy for the Easter Bunny and put the baskets with filled eggs outside the front door. The Easter Bunny will then take those hide them and put some items in their basket, the Easter Bunny really like this method. It was a little cold so the girls did put their jackets on over the PJ's to get out first thing.

Abby of course provided her pose with her new tiara, which she didn't take off all day!

Tori was on a mission to get as many as she could, she wouldn't even stop for pictures!

Here they are after finding all their eggs!
After Church we headed to Grandma's and Grandpa's and before all the grand kids showed up Grandpa read the girls a story upon their request.
Here are all the kids in waiting. It is like a release of the hounds, we had to release them in small groups to avoid a stampede!
In total there were a couple hundred eggs that were hidden for the kids to find.
Here is Tori sporting her new Easter dress out looking for some of those eggs.
Abby with her finds...can you see one the on the banister behind her?
After all the finds here is what they ended up with.
After all the finding was done we were able to trap them all for a picture before the sugar kicked in...

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