Monday, July 6, 2009

First day at new day care

Today was the first day of the new day care and preschool for the girls. Chris brought them down later then they would have had to be there for me to take them so I walked down to take them in. Tori of course wore her leotard with butterfly wins, perfect for any occasion and Abby had on her Huskers princess shirt, so she could blend in with the locals I am sure.
Both the girls were a little nervous about their new teachers and classrooms so we stayed with each for a couple of minutes to help them settle in. Tori's teacher sent me a not at work a couple of hours later telling me that Tori is having a great time! She seems to be getting along with the other kids really well. She also is following directions and jumping right into the flow of things!

Abby's teacher called me early afternoon, which by the way is never good, and told me Abby had taken a spill out on the playground and had cut her hip and arm, ouch!! She said Abby had been really brave and it was all bandaged up. I talked to her for a couple of minutes and she was okay and even wanted to tell me about the snack they had.

Personally it was a hard day for me, I felt nervous for them in their new settings and wanted and hoped they felt okay in their new daycare/preschool. Lots of changes happening in such a short period of time for them and I am sure they are adjusting much better then mom!

1 comment:

The Calverts said...

Brittany, I'm sure it was difficult to leave your girls for the first time at a new place. Sounds like they handled it really well. Kids are so resilient (thankfully!). Hope you guys are settling in well at your new home.