Sunday, November 29, 2009


For Thanksgiving we headed to Colorado for time with the family. We decided to make it a t2 day trip by stopping half way at a hotel for the night. Problem number one, the children were wound up, so of course they would start calling the front desk, oops, unplug the phone!
Tori painted today in preschool and her hands turned pink. According to her teachers, she kept asking for more pink paint until her paper was dripping with it. You can't tell here, but her hands are a bright pink color!
The next day when we got to Grandma's and Grandpa's, I put Tori down at night and this is how I found her a couple of hours later. For the record, the following night I stayed with her and put her in the top and she fell on me, doesn't look to comfortable to me...
The girls love the trampoline, I had to clear it the day we got there so that the girls could jump, by the next morning it was dry so out they went. Tori had a nice case of static from her time, to cute to not grab a picture!
Tori was more than happy to go out and play by herself. It looked cold to me, but she was very happy, I miss how quickly the snow melts now!
Tori has always had a special love for James, and since he was born wants to hold him. He is big enough now, that he isn't as interested in that now. He did give her a couple of minutes before he wanted off.
Abby managed to injure herself while she was playing, not uncommon, but this will be fun to show her one day, all the large amounts of injuries she had as a child!
Two very tired kids at the end of the day, cute James and Haley!
...and two tired adults, just goes to show you are never too old for a nap (right Ryan and Theresa)...
Here is Aunt Vivian, my Grandpa's sister, she is a regular when we get together and love see her. Abby calls her Great Grandma sometimes.
The next day I talked Mom and Theresa into going out for black Friday shopping. we had a lot of fun, or least Mom and I did. At 5:30 when we were standing in line, Theresa said to me, I thought this would have been more fun, I don't think I want to do this again.
We did find some good deals, but no real deal busters. I think it is the joy of getting up and shopping at 4AM that I enjoy, yes I know that is sick, however it is true. When we got back Mom and I went to the Spa and she did a makeup application and I got to have a pedicure, oh how I miss those in the winter!
By the end of the day, we all hung out and enjoyed a nice restful night.
The next day we went to Elisa's and Jeff's and the girls played and played for hours. I caught some video of James taking a ride, he seemed to enjoy it a lot!

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