Saturday, May 15, 2010

Ballet Proformance

Abby's big ballet day was today, she and her friend Andi were really excited to get dressed up, put on their costumes and dance!

Abby sporting a move for the camera!Another pose...

The practice video, the final will come later...warning it is a bit long, so watch if you want, of course she is cute! She is the pink flower in the right hand corner (first on the right).

The practice for the finale, she is very cute here as well.

Overall a fun and exciting day, I think for Abby and me, she was just too cute!

Tori was so upset at the end and started crying because she wanted to see the show again, I guess it was a hit.

1 comment:

The Calverts said...

What a beautiful ballerina! You must be a proud mama.