Wednesday, August 11, 2010

First Day of School and back to school night

Today was Abby's much anticipated first day of school. For the last several weeks she has been talking about it non-stop. However when the first day came, she was very quiet today and reserved. When we were taking pictures she was fine with that. Tori wasn't so sure about leaving her sister at a school she couldn't see her either.

She is sporting her iCarly lunch box and backpack. She was adamant that she wanted to take her lunch on the first day so we packed her a yummy lunch.

Last week, we had back to school night. This is her teacher, Ms. Stein, who is super cute and I think Abby will really like. The room was super cute with all the work she had done before the kids arrived on the first day.

Her spot in the class room, where she had all her supplies and it even had her name on it!

When she got home after school, I asked her how her day was, and she said "it was fine, but I don't want to talk about it". She was WORN out and ready for bed at 8:00 tonight.

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