Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The bad and the ugly

Okay, so I promised pictures last time, but I didn't promise of what, so I am now delivering them, but first a warning if you have a touchy stomach, don't read on!!!!

Tori has had toxic poop since birth, so we have resorted to making her diaper wipes, and using a special cream on her. So I like to let her run around for a couple of minutes each night without her diaper on, if possible. From time to time I am surprised by a small puddle if I don't get the diaper on her in time. Well that really isn't that big of deal and easy to clean up, especially if she is on tile. By now I am sure you can see where this is tonight I did the same thing I always do except I received a bit of a surprise. I was standing in the bedroom and Abby said "Mom Tori pooped on the floor, Mom Tori pooped on her foot, Mom Tori's poop is everywhere." So needless to say I first cleaned Tori up and she cried and cried after she was cleaned up I put her to bed.

I told Abby that I would clean up after she went to bed, and she was really upset. I thought to myself, I should take advantage of her help. Ten years from me, she won't get dead helping me clean up, let alone her sisters poop!!

So anyway here is a picture of the "mess" and also of Abby helping me clean up. I will use this as evidence one day of her love of helping mom, with anything!!

So now the good part (as if there is one) there is this stuff called Quick and Brite that can get out anything, yes anything. This is a must have for someone with children. This stuff will get out poop, vomit, and anything else you can have that is gross. It will get out the smell and leave no stains. We have used it a lot and I highly recommend the stuff. It is a bit pricey, but it lasts for a very long time.


Melissa said...

Uh, I must admit this is the first time I've seen poop on a blog. Leave it to you! Thanks for the cleaning tip. What mom hasn't had to clean up poop and vomit?

Darci said...

Um poor girl. I had the opposite problem with C. She could not poop for the life of her. She would get so bad that her stomach was distended. Oh it was so so horrible. Thanks for the tip on the cleaner.