Monday, February 18, 2008

Sick family

I would love to know who got us all sick, because it has been no fun at all!!! First Tori started with it, then Abby, followed by Chis. They all had the cough until you loss it, which I was not sorry at all to miss. Of course this all took place while I was gone, so I thought I had escaped, but alas it was not so. On Saturday I looked like a stoner, my eyes were so red and Sunday I couldn't keep food down. Monday was a bit better, so we will see what tomorrow looks like. I hope that I can make it into work without having one of those great coughing fits and maybe just make it a whole day without tossing my cookies.
Did I mention I would like to know who started this whole thing!!! I don't have many kind words for them.
I promise no more boring stuff and some pictures too next time.

1 comment:

Darci said...

Hey there girl. Nope wasn't me that got you guys sick but man we sure have had a rotten time with it.
Hey can you not put my last name in the links?? Just for safety reasons. You can use darci and daves family or something. We just don't like to use our girls names or our last name.