Thursday, March 6, 2008

No More Binkies!!

So tonight is night 3 with no Binky's. The Dr. said at Abby's 3 year appointment she needed to lose the Binky or we needed to start saving up for some major dental work. Since that appointment I have polled several friends, received comments from my blogger friends and have googled to find the right way to do this. We had such good intentions we even started this last year with the whole "leave your Binky's for Santa" and the moved onto "you will be a big girl when you turn 3 and big girls don't need Binky's" and most recently tried the tried to use the "Binky fairy" who trades your Binky's for a lot of cool things.

In the end what won out what a night of not listening to the point that Chris had taken away everything else and that was the last threat that he could use "you won't get your Binky back tonight." That turned into you won't get your Binky back tomorrow night either. Well I figured we have gone this far, why turn back. So it is goodbye to Binky...


Melissa said...

Whew - that's a battle! We've got Isabel off of her pacifier during the day, but she still has one at nap/bedtime. Is Abby doing OK without it?

Darci said...

Oh that is one that I am glad we are over with. We actually did it early and cut the tips off of them and when they said they were broken they are the ones that threw them away. I was lucky it worked but I know it is a big struggle for many moms. My neighbor just got rid of her 3 year olds plug and he is in their bedroom almost everynight now wanting it back at all hours of the night. Oh the joys.

Brittany said...

She is doing okay with it. She asks for it but we just tell her they are all gone. I was surprised at how good she did with this.