Thursday, April 24, 2008

An awe moment

We had the missionaries over for FHE a couple of weeks ago and they showed us the restoration video. I didn't know how Abby would do, but she set through the whole thing and didn't fuss, I was pleasantly surprised. The whole time she kept asking Chris the typical 3 year old questions like what are they putting the ground (seeds), what are they doing (planting), who is that boy (that is Joseph's brother).

When the video got to the part when Joseph was in the grove praying and Heavenly Father and Jesus appeared to him, she asked why don't they go sit by him, to which we had no answer. Then in amazing style, she has asked to watch the movie several times since then, and will sit through it just like she does with one of her kid movies.

I guess the lesson here is that you can never underestimate the understanding of a child.

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