Saturday, April 19, 2008

Zoo visit

Today was such a good day to visit the zoo, the sun was out, it wasn't too hot and we went early to get in a trip before it got crowded. I have become a huge advocate for going places right when they open with the girls. It seems to go better, less crowded and you can leave as the madness starts.
Today we got to the zoo right after they opened and did a visit based upon the animals that Abby had picked out the night before. Here Tori and Abby were both loving the giraffes.
Next we had to stop for lunch (yes by this time it was already about 9:30 a perfect time to eat). We think that they must both be in a growth spurt, because they are eating a lot more these days so 2 semi-cold hot dogs were right on track for a early lunch.
We also did the carousal and train ride. This was the happiest that we saw Tori on this ride, once it started, she was not very happy, so I just had to hold her the rest of the ride.
Abby on the other hand thought it was great and laughed and smiled the whole time. She is still talking about it and has already asked if we can do that next time we go to the zoo. I guess as $1.50 each, it won't break the bank.
Overall it was a fun day and as I predicted when we left at 12, all the parking was gone and there was a line down the street to get in.
On a side note, nothing makes me more happy than as I am getting ready to leave a parking spot, someone is waiting for the one I have. It makes me feel kinda giddy, strange yes, odd perhaps, but happy absolutely!!


Melissa said...

Fun day! And I'm with you about going early before crowds settle in. Much better!

ganelle said...

I need to get to the zoo! We used to be season pass holders, but the big boys sorta grew out of it. Now we can do it all again with B!