Monday, April 28, 2008

Day Four

We sent Dad and Chris home first thing in the morning. Abby and I went for a walk down to the lake and she pointed out several pieces of trash and I commented about how that was a bad choice that some people made to leave their trash outside. Her reply was "that sure isn't helping to keep America clean." As much as I wanted to crack up laughing I had to say "yep you are right", I am still not sure where she got that from, but it sure was funny.

We did some crafts today sponsored by the timeshare including painting a birdhouse, coloring some wildlife pictures and making a banner. They both seemed to enjoy the little break and we didn't get too much paint on the clothes.

After lunch we took the girls on a bird watching adventure and then on a hike.

Abby did good hiking up most of the way and Tori even got out of the backpack and walked part of the way. At the top of the hill Tori decided she had walked enough and just hit the ground for a rest.

Finally we got her moving and headed towards this huge sculpture that this mad made out of wood, I should have gotten pictures of all of it, it was really amazing, but here is what I do have to share:

It was amazing to think he did this all out of the trees that had died there.

On the way up the mountain Abby decided that she wanted to be the Mom, so I was the sister, and Grandma was the brother. We didn't have names just titles, so when she wanted to address me she would start with "sister...". When we were done with our hike and got back to the car, I said, well only Mommy's drive and so she hoped right into the front seat. Very cute, ha ha, but when I said, no I was just kidding and went to move her into her car seat, she got very upset with me. While I was buckling her in said yelled at me "Mommies don't ride in car seats"!!!! Lucky for this "sister, she is still bigger than her Mommy.

We did go to the pool again, which Abby loved...we stayed until little Tori was blue and then called it quits.

After that we headed home for the day.

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