Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The final day

I took Abby this morning and went over to the Choke Cherry Tree to look around and we did pick out some fun things to bring home including of course the carmel's.
Okay so it turned out to be our final day in Pagosa Springs. There is a storm coming in and we felt like we needed to leave before it came in, so mid morning we decided that we needed to pack up and leave. We made record time and got out of there by 1ish. We made it further before Tori started to melt down and she did cry herself to sleep for a while on the drive home. This was while she was still in a god mood.

We stopped and had dinner at wonderful McDonald's and let the girls run around in the play area for a good half hour. Then back in and off we went. Needless to say we made it home without incident and a good time was had by all. I think that we stayed plenty long enough for all of us and it was sure nice to have Chris around again.

I have to say I didn't realize how often I am calling him to do something until he wasn't there and then boy did a notice.


Unknown said...

I've loved reading about all the stuff you've done on your vacation! Would you recommend it? Did you have enough to do to keep busy?

Brittany said...

I would say it is good for about 4 days with little ones. I would semi-recomend it. It wasn't the most fun place we have been, but not the worst either.