Monday, June 2, 2008

When you can't beat them...out smart them!

I have been working with Abby for years to get her to go to bed on her own and have used this as a forum to complain and have received many a good idea (some I tried and some I did not). So when I heard of a new idea I thought this will never work, but what is the worst that could happen???
Starting last week I told Abby that bed time was going to be different starting tonight. At bedtime we would go in read stories and go through the whole routine and then she could decide when she was ready to go to bed. Here is the catch...she had to get up at the normal time the next day and couldn't be grumpy if she decided to stay up later. Another catch was that I wasn't going to sit outside her room anymore while she fell asleep.
Day number one, after we were done with our routine, she turned on her music, read some books, sang and about 15 minutes later asked me to come tuck her in. She had already turned off her light and was in bed. I didn't hear another peep.
Day two same as day one, but about 10 minutes of playing.
Fast forward to tonight when she actually got right into bed and asked me to tuck her in and turn off her light.
I guess giving her the choice mad all the difference, hopefully I don't jink myself for tomorrow...

1 comment:

YouHaveHowMany? said...

That's gotta be a relief! I am so glad you're getting more of a break. Way to go Abby!