Sunday, July 27, 2008

Released from the call

Today I was released from the Primary Presidency. It was bitter sweet. I knew I was getting released when John came by on Friday and brought the news. I told him he could leave (kidding) once he told me. I don't know if I will miss serving with the great sisters more or the kids. They released the whole presidency, and I think we all were a little shocked at the news.

I was joking with Lavon that I don't know if I can sit still for 2 hours straight. I also wondered if we can do singing time, in opera or while stomping in place and not to mention the coloring we got to do!!

I haven't been in Relief Society for about 5 years now, so imagine the huge culture shock there. Yes there will still be crying (RS), and yes some bathroom breaks, but as for the rest of it, I don't know.

On the bright side, I was meeting to start the primary program this week, so now that is on someone else, as is the upcoming temple trip, and the constant need for substitute teachers.

Oh well, I am sure what ever comes next will be another challenge that I can "grow" from.


Anonymous said...

I linked to your blog from Rebecca Michael's! So great to see your cute little family! I loved your little stories. I can't imagine where the primary will be without you, but hopefully you'll enjoy whatever new adventures you are given! Miss you guys. Amy Cazier

Unknown said...

Woo hoo! Lucky you. :) I can't tell you how much I enjoy being in Relief Society again!

Melissa said...

I totally understand. Even though we were moving, I was still sad about being released as president. It's weird but good being back in R.S. - at least for now! No calling in the new ward as of yet... enjoy your break!

Amy said...

I usually start liking my calling and that's when I get released.

ganelle said...

The difference between Relief Society and Primary is this:

In Relief Society, everyone knows the answer, but no-one raises their hand. In Primary, no-one knows the answer, but everyone raises their hand.

You've had to keep up posted for what comes next!

kim said...

Well I am a bit jealous you got released before planning the primary program:) i am working on ours now. hope you are doing well.