Saturday, August 2, 2008

Saturday's activities

Last night I asked Abby if we could go shopping tomorrow and she said "no, can we go to the zoo instead?" So the zoo it was, this morning. I always ask Abby what she wants to see before we get there so we can have a plan for what we want to see instead of wondering around for hours. Today it was the monkeys that took the first spot. So we headed down that direction. We stopped at monkey island and then to the primates. Abby was trying to figure out how the monkeys don't get out of the trees into the zoo. My only guess is that there is just enough water to stop them.

The girls stopping for a picture.

A couple of times ago, I let them ride the carousel and train and now everytime we must make a stop at these 2 attractions. First was the Train. Tori loves this slow, easy ride.

Abby wanted to sit all by herself today, and I told her she could as long as she kept her arms inside the train.

Next was the carousel. In case you are wondering what is the difference between a carousel and a merry go round (as I am sure you are) I learned this today so let me share. Carousel's go around in a counter clockwise circle and merry go rounds go in a clockwise direction.
Abby loves the animals that go up and down, giggling and smiling the whole time.

Tori doesn't enjoy it as much, I learned today that if I sit her the the chair it is more like the car and she doesn't get near as anxious as she has been in the past on this ride.

Then this afternoon we went to my cousins house. They had squirt guns out back for the kids and dad's to play with. This was a big hit for all involved, it kept them cool on this 90+ day and kept them occupied.
Here Chris is reloading his gun for the next round. You can't see Abby, but she is holding off some of the people trying to squirt him.

Here they are mid fight!
Lastly my youngest sister Theresa, she is leaving very soon to go back to college (to get smart as Abby says) and will be missed!!


Melissa said...

Very cute! I love the picture of Tori on the train. She looks so relaxed (and also so much older!). And squirt guns are always a good idea on a hot day!

Anonymous said...

They look like they had a lot of fun! I love the zoo... I am definately still a little kid! I can't wait to see you all soon!!

Darci said...

I miss the zoo!!!