Saturday, February 2, 2008

Abby's birthday...again

We did our January and February birthday party celebrations today which were Abby, Rachel and Aubree. We had a really good time the kids all played in the basement, which was wonderful, and Abby got a lot of great presents from everyone.
Here is a picture of all the grand kids

The theme for this party was lots of Barbie, Dora and Abby stuff. Here she is with the very popular Barbie movie. Tonight after naps Abby asked to watch it. She was in and out, but I did notice Chris watching it when she wasn't in the room. I am not sure if that is just desperate TV time or he was really enjoying it?

Lastly what party is complete without a bathroom accident and a major injury? Well of course we had to have both and of course they were both my children. At the end of the event, Tori decided she had been left out of the action long enough, saw the open door to the basement and headed down the stairs. Now keep in mind that these stairs are not carpeted and so we don't let her go down them for fear she will fall down them. Well of course she did just that and landed at the bottom, Jakob came running upstairs and said "emergency, Tori fell down the stairs" which I of course came running for. I ran down, grabbed her, looked for blood, there was none, good and took her upstairs. I was holding her as she was crying again checked for blood, none, but missed the huge goose egg on her head. Jakob then said, she has a big bonk on her head, which sure enough, there was a huge goose egg. I ran to the kitchen where Aubree was mixing a solution of oil and salt and then applied that to her head ( a good trick for taking the swelling out) and I was trying to comfort her.

About that time Abby came out of the bathroom with poop on her hands, which she kindly announced to everyone in the kitchen. Unfortunately that was the better part of the situation. Aubree went in to assist her with clean up since I had Tori in hand and when I went in the bathroom it was everywhere (yes everywhere) so I handed Tori to my Mom, Aubree took Tori upstairs to her Dad for some work and I started to clean the bathroom. Abby said she had an accident and was trying to clean it up (at least she was helpful). This is the fun part of having children!!

Needless to say Tori was okay and we got Abby into new clothes after being cleaned up. I took a picture of Tori's bump after about 30 minutes, and it still looked pretty yucky, however within a couple of hours the swelling was all gone and it is just black and blue now. They made a joke about not getting a picture right away, but this will have to do.


Melissa said...

Oh no! Poor Tori! So glad to hear she is OK! That's quite a bump - ouch!

Darci said...

SOunds like a typical day at grandmas house for our girls as well. We are finally potty trained fully and have been for a couple months. Yeah the joys of cronic constipation... Ouchie bump!!!

coloradoeaston said...

Poor girl. That's a shiner worth remembering and poop stories are always funny when they don't involve your own kids.

Amy said...

Sorry about the accident(s). That is quite a bump. I actually fell down my own stairs last week. Justin laughs because I am in the process of refinishing our stair railing and I was admiring my own work when I slipped. The bruises are not funny though! Hope she feels better soon!