Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Getting involved

I can't say how many elections I have voted in and until this year, did my voting, and never really thought about all the other stuff that went on behind the scenes. Well this year I decided that I really should get more involved and so when they announced the day for the caucus I decided to go represent our family.
Well needless to say they were used to about 5-10 people showing up, so when there were almost 400 of us they weren't sure what to do. Needless to say we did all get to participate in the process. As we stood there waiting for someone to determine that they wanted to be a precinct leader, I volunteered as well as another man. So here were are 2 1/2 hours later counting votes, choosing who would go to the upcoming assemblies and such and not really sure how we got there.
I am excited to go be a part of this political process and how that my vote will matter where it needs to.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Wow - good for you! What an experience for you, and what an election it will be.