Saturday, March 15, 2008

Happy Birthday to...

Ellie, Joshua, Jakob and Jeff. Today we headed up to Loveland to celebrate a lot of Cheatham birthdays. It was like Christmas in March with all the birthdays there were tons of presents to be handed out. John even received some, because the poor guy is the only one with a birthday outside of March of the kids and I think they felt sorry for him.

Elisa did a great job with all the cakes she made one for each of the kids, I am sorry but I didn't get a picture of them, they were all so yummy, way better than what you could get in the store for sure. After lunch and cake Judd and Chris decided they needed a nap, it was just too much excitement for them.

While they slept the kids all had a grand time playing in the back yard. Tori loved the big wheel toys.

Tori, Abby and Rachel all posed for a picture before they went back to playing "house:.

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